Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Business Marketing Secrets | TRCB News

http://www.trcbnews.com/new-business-marketing-secrets/117815/Street Begging/Marketing

Unusual Marketing Techniques

Being in business for yourself brings with it a certain level of anxiety. This is natural since you do not have any safety net. While striking out on your own brings with it a certain level of flexibility, you can increase your odds of success with these 10 secrets of alternative marketing.


1. Unique/Risk Taking (with Measurement)

Perhaps the most basic step to success is to be unique. As Robert J. Ringer stated in his book Looking Out For # 1 if you?re not being different you?re just another thousandtlpulet. And if you that, what are you offering that they (your prospects) cannot get from 999 others? A unique offerings differentiates you from your competition.


And certainly your life is going to be a bit like Thomas Edison?s. You?re going to have to face a number of failures before you see the shiny light of success. Find and record a metric to measure your failures.


2. Blogging

Writing in your area of expertise (blogging) is a fact of life for contributing to your success. Frankly, there is no getting around it. If you don?t feel you are a good writer hire the project out. Failure to blog will have the natural consequence of your search engine results hovering above one click above nonexistent. Unless you are richer beyond the dreams of Alvarez, among the 10 secrets of alternative marketing, this should be your golden rule.


3. Fiverr

The website fiverr.com is getting popular and for a darn good reason. Here you get to market your product or service for free, and if someone bites, you actually make a few dollars. While some people have turned fiverr.com into a fulltime living, most use it as a source for new leads. It completely turns around the traditional model of marketing. You get out there for free, and it paid a little bit to show off your stuff.


4. News Agency Writing

Admittedly, this one is a little tougher to get into. While a good news agency performing in your market segment will probably accept your writing, it?s going to have to be better than your average blog. The upside is you are more quickly and knowledge to as an expert since you were found in a news agency. This is a great advantage because a news agency is considered an authority site which Carries great weight to the search engines. Additionally, news agencies get the highest priority in the time to indexing.


5. Mobile Web

In mid February 2012 Cisco has announced its prediction that mobile web traffic will increase an eightfold in the next four years. Some people feel this is a conservative estimate. With tablet computers and smart phones entering the sub $200 range (Amazon Kindle) and some smart phones now in the sub $100 range along with the proliferation of wifi, the eightfold increase may get that mattered in less than four years, in some countries.


While it may be a bit expensive, today to create a web site that is interactive to desktop and mobile devices, creating a separate web site with a single page dedicated to mobile devices with a focus on hyper local search feeds well into the desires for the search engines.


6. Linked-in

The website Linkedin.com is the business equivalent of Facebook.Com. Today, it is the digital equivalent of going to an important social party where you are to see and be seen. A a novice mistake is to jump in with a buy from me message. It is considered as crass as jumping into a social party and selling yourself without getting to know the people around you.


Get invited to groups, introduce your name and ask other people about what and how they?re doing. The favor will be returned with social etiquette.


7. Thank You cards

In our 10 secrets of alternative marketing, this is a golden oldie and quite powerful as it sits forgotten. A handwritten thank you card, done with a fountain pen and mailed in the postal system. A common mistake in utilizing this special trick is to thank only after a sale. You will get many more conversions if you send this special card to a prospect who has done an inquiry.


8. Groupon Style

For a time, the deep discount marketing model was all the rage. There are early indicators that it is beginning to burn out. Customers are beginning to become trained to only accept the discounts in certain situations. An example would be the movie theaters. While it might be a great way to fill seats, customers are learning that they can get movie tickets at half price if they?re willing to wait.


The trick for a new business is to weigh the deep discounts against being discovered.


9. Affilate Marketing

There are a number of web sites that pay the bills placing ads for products and services that resonate a chord with their readers. If you choose to go with affiliate marketing ensure that you pay your affiliates promptly. In this day of the inter webs word gets around quickly, one way or another.


10. Newsletters

The subtle difference in our 10th secret of alternative marketing, newsletters vs. blogging is to announce in support the existence of your new business in community newsletters and newspapers. When you have success, remember tip number seven.


Short URL: http://www.trcbnews.com/?p=7815

Posted by Jeffry Rocha on Feb 20 2012. Filed under Business. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Source: http://www.trcbnews.com/new-business-marketing-secrets/117815/

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